​​​​​​Blair's art is available for purchase (unless previously sold!). 
Visit her page in our online store here

Blair Brown

Blair Brown treasures her life in the mountains of Northern New Mexico, where she has explored trails and topography for decades.
She has worked in environmental education with particular interests in watersheds, birds and geology. Birdwatching is a special joy and means of enjoying being in nature… wherever!
Her series, “Audubon Re-Imagined”, blends a love of color and appreciation of the magic of bird biology.
Her cARTography pieces are designed to-scale.  She welcomes commissions for artistically describing clients’ ranches, favorite trails or other magical places on the planet…urban or rural. 

Blair also coordinates the annual High Road Artisans YOUTH ART Show at the U.S. Forest Service Peñasco District Station in September. The 2019 theme is “Favorite Birds”.

Audubon Re-Imagined:
